Thursday, November 29, 2007


Walking as in walking away. I have or had a friend whom I am not so close with anymore. It happened in mere moments or so it seemed. I have always been mesmerized by being able, or not, to know when things change or end. I imagine doing things for the absolute last time. I imagine enjoying things because it is the last time. But, I cannot always know. Maybe is not possible to know. Or is it? Other people around us would say that we didn't seem like friends. We dismissed their comments. It was not true for us. But it is true now. Or, maybe it is just space. I have been craving space to do things by myself for myself. This is my most common complaint. In my confusion I often think that I am not getting enough time for myself. As if this is even possible. I know this lack of personal time is a common complaint of mothers. It is such a cliche. But it seems real to me, especially in a moment of frustration or a day of extreme tiredeness like today.


Rob Kistner said...

Every moment is your moment -- even if others may be sharing it.

Devil Mood said...

Hmm, I don't think we can know all the time.
You shouldn't feel guilty about wanting time for yourself. For me that's a huge priority and I'll have to make sure that whatever happens in my life, I will always have some time for me. It's not easy, I know, but otherwise I'd run the risk of going crazy...

Ines said...

Dear Rob and Devil Mood,
Thank you for your comments. You are the first ones did you know? warmly, ia

gautami tripathy said...

I left a link of this post on that linky thing at SS!
Hope you don't mind.

awareness said...

I think we all feel the sense of being closed in and not have room to breathe.....interesting how a good physical walk, even if it's for a short period of time can clear the head, and can return to us the fresh air we need.

wishing you goodness today.

paisley said...

you must decide if you are walking away from something,, or rather toward something... while each has its place,, i believe it is important to know in which direction we are actually walking....

Patois42 said...

Sometimes walking away is the only way.

Tumblewords: said...

I think it's okay to move on. I've always had a hard time knowing when, or if, I should do it! Nice post!

Ines said...

To all of you who left comments know that I am ecstatic that you even took time to read my post. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And, dear tumblewords and gautami tripathy please know that I appreciate the compliment and I don't mind being "linked." My day is brighter today after reading you. I am glad I checked the comments.