Friday, February 8, 2008

5 years old

Our daughter is now 5 years old (not today, tomorrow). We had a celebration at school. Milagros was shy and, sort of, clinged to me the whole time. She didn't want to do the traditional ceremony that Montessori children do at school. She had a little trouble even tolerating when people, her classmates and friends, were singing happy birthday in three different languages, English, Spanish and Italian. I enjoyed it. She enjoyed in her own way. Afterwards, she couldn't wait to go home. Later on, we went to the grocery store to get cough drops and salad stuff for tomorrow. I was delighted, the whole time we were there she was acting so mature. She was wanting to be so helpful. Helping with the bags. Helping with his brother. I was pleasantly surprised. Not that she is, what is called, a difficult child but normally she gets what she wants, waits for me, walks in front, gets to the car first, asks to be seated first....etc. Not today. Today, it was almost like someone turned on a switch and she was different. Happy Birthday, Milagros!

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